I attended Qiang Huang's still lifes workshop in Granbury, Tx, last weekend. FYI: It took place at the Iron Horse Inn wh/ is a terrific B&B http://www.theironhorseinn.com, charming, great food and hospitality. I can highly recommend not only Qiang's workshops (always informative and well organized) http://qiang-huang.blogspot.com/, but also this lovely B&B. Go there and tell owner Theresa that I sent you! Meanwhile, yes, we did still life painting...simply being still is very challenging for me, and painting small is also very challenging for me...nevertheless, Quiang's work is always exciting, so there must be something to the pursuit of still life, and I will work on it. Of the three paintings done that weekend, this is my favorite. I know the lemon looks large, and it was a large lemon...the 'orange' is a clementine' orange, so they are small by nature, and of course, it was everything I could do to paint the cherries before eating them. Peak season, very good!