Fabulous niece Tara recently sent a link of interest...seems that our military men and women often encounter abandoned, starving, or otherwise mistreated animals while serving their missions abroad. Understandably, the military does not encourage the bonds that inevitably develop and does not allow transport of these companion animals on military equipment. That said, the military personnel often develop deep, loving bonds with these dogs and cats, and do not want to leave them behind when their tours are over. International transportation of animals is a costly and paperwork laden endeavor, beyond the means of most of us; however, the SPCA International has set up a program to assist our troops in bringing their animals home to the USA. If interested, take a look at their site and click on the "Operation Baghdad Pups" button. Anyway the stories on that site inspired this painting. (sold)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dogs of War, 30x40x2
Fabulous niece Tara recently sent a link of interest...seems that our military men and women often encounter abandoned, starving, or otherwise mistreated animals while serving their missions abroad. Understandably, the military does not encourage the bonds that inevitably develop and does not allow transport of these companion animals on military equipment. That said, the military personnel often develop deep, loving bonds with these dogs and cats, and do not want to leave them behind when their tours are over. International transportation of animals is a costly and paperwork laden endeavor, beyond the means of most of us; however, the SPCA International has set up a program to assist our troops in bringing their animals home to the USA. If interested, take a look at their site and click on the "Operation Baghdad Pups" button. Anyway the stories on that site inspired this painting. (sold)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Just a country western song waiting to happen...60x36x2
This is a large work, almost as big as me, and addresses the memory of a special occasion. I think most women can associate a particular dress with a turning point in their lives, and that's when the lyrics for a good old fashioned country western song start germination. Read into that what you will, as it could go many places! If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Friday, November 13, 2009
See Spot Run!, 30x40x2
See Spot splash is more accurate, yes? And 'spot'? how many retrievers do you know named Spot? Not a regal name for one of the smartest working dogs on the planet, nevertheless, you get the idea. This is the start of something new for me, style-wise. First, it is larger (30x40x2)....I am happier painting in a large format, as the size allows for broader, more intense gestures.......and, instead of painting a 'picture', I am trying to capture the raw emotion in a specific moment. If you have ever had the pleasure of observing a well trained retriever on the hunt, you know exactly what I mean....these majestic animals yearn for the moment that they are released to retrieve, in this instance, a fallen duck....and the exploding joy of that moment is palpable. Let me know what you think....If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Got Fish?, 11x14, oil on linen (Sold)
This still life is painted on a super rough Russian linen canvas...I loved the texture, and it seemed appropriate for this prickly antique tackle. (Sold)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Green Grapes with Tea, 7x7 (Sold)
This little still life (canvas is 7x7) is framed in a lovely Larson Juhl custom moulding that beautifully complements the painting....a great gift for the tea drinker in your family. Thanks for viewing my art work.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"OK, you can scratch my belly now", 12x24- NFS
Hmmmm. If you have a dog, this pose is recognizable: on the back, spread eagle, ears flapping, ready for a belly rub. Our chocolate Lab, Sweet Georgia Brown Dawg, frequently assumes this position and just smiles and smiles until she gets our attention. My husband's 60th birthday is coming up, and I'm thinking this painting would be a nice gift....he LOVES this dog! This painting is done entirely with painting knives, and I enjoyed the process....I think I will try some more knife painting!
art for sale,
Artists of Texas,
oil on canvas,
Sharon Hodges,
Texas artist
Monday, October 19, 2009
Well, are you gonna share?, 11x14x2-(sold)
I damaged my shoulder a few weeks ago....Holding a brush was actually painful, so I am painting with my left hand. This is challenging, but likely a very good exercise. It forces me to slow down, and frankly, I am pleased with this left handed painting. These folks were enjoying a spring day in Asheville, NC. I hope he shared the snack with his dog.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cowboy on 'Donut with Sprinkles', 36x36x2

I totally love the rodeo...the cowboys, the animals, the characters in the stands, the kids, the clowns, the whole big, crazy spectacle. I especially love the odd names of the bulls, and this one is no exception. Eight seconds is a lifetime if you are on the back of a really agitated, massive bull like this one. The cowboy did not win this engagement. This painting is 36x36x2, on gallery canvas, no need to frame. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tea for Three, 14x11

This painting is from the tea I was preparing w/ Friend Donna's beautiful antique Fiestaware. Of course, the initial plan was to photograph it, then paint it, but a quick cup of hot tea was irresistable. I like the lemon wedges in this one. This painting is being gifted to my friend Lavena Cheek upon her retirement.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Leaning Tower of Teacups, 24x24
This may be a breakthrough painting for me....The antique Fiestaware composition demanded lots of attention to the shadows, and a less impressionistic rendering. It was challenging, but I am pleased w/ the results. To purchase this painting ($500 + s/h), use the BuyNow button below, or email me. This painting was awarded the third place prize at the 2009 NLAPW juried competition. Thanks for viewing my work. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Artists of Texas

I am especially honored to announce that the Artists of Texas have extended an invitation for me to join their group. (I wasted no time before accepting!) This is a distinguished group of Texas artists whose high quality works encompass many different creative visions. Please enjoy the talents of these local artists by visiting our group Blog and Website.
art for sale,
Artists of Texas,
Sharon Hodges
Fiesta Teatime, 8x6
This latest work continues my still life series based on antique Fiestaware. I really love the shapes and colors, and tea time is a delightful break in any day. This painting is SOLD, but more of my work can be seen at the Artists of Texas show opening in Dallas, TX, Saturday, Oct 17, at the Dutch Art Gallery (Northwest Hwy and Ferndale) w/ a 'meet the artists' reception from 2-5. Please come and support your local artists!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fishing Treasures, 10x8, (Sold)
My dad loved to fish, and I loved to fish with him. I painted this on the 16th anniversary of his death, Sept 16. My sister and I kept all of Dad's tackle, and these were a couple of his older wooden lures. The reel was actually his dad's, so it is meaningful to me.
contemporary realism,
oil on canvas,
Sharon Hodges,
still life
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Box of Pears, 14x11
A fellow artist bought this box of pears for her husband. I knew it would only be there for a short time, so I had to paint it. I loved the acid green-yellow of the box cardboard against the dark liner supporting each luscious pear. It was everything I could do not to eat them.
If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Silk Threads, 10x8
This is my first attempt at painting glass, and I now know that reflective surfaces are as challenging as I had always heard. That said, I think the glass rendering is reasonably successful here. Compositionally, I think I should have left the jar lid off, or moved the entire composition down on the canvas, as it fills cramped on the top. Side note: These are old wooden spools of silk thread, given to me by my mother-in-law. The colors and sheen were absolutely glowing. I also learned that painting single threads of silk requires something smaller than a one inch brush, ahem!
If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
contemporary realism,
oil on canvas,
still life,
Texas artist
Fresh Beets with Red Onion, 11x14
Wow, I am behind on posting. I love the foliage on beets and other leafy vegetables. This orange Fiesta plate seemed to be a perfect complement to the beets and sliced purple onion and the strong leafy patterns. I am enjoying still life painting more and more...it is unbelievable how even the simplest still life takes so much time to arrange, light, etc, and then I have to 'hurry' before the leaves wilt! (Sold)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Still Life with Beets, 40x30 (Sold)
Grandma's scale (revised), 16x12x2
OK, I had the perfect onion, then I blew it, see post below. Ahem. I took another run at it, putting the parched skin back in, etc....thankfully, all better now. (Sometimes, it is hard to know when to leave well enough alone....In the words of Kathleen dello Stritto, "Step away from the canvas".) On Gallery wrapped canvas, no need to frame. $200. + s/h. To purchase this painting:
oil on canvas,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Grandma's kitchen scale, 11x14
This antique scale forced me to use a brush smaller than 1/2"....it was frightening. I am happy w/ the tomatoes and the scale. My original rendering of the onion was likely more successful than the one shown here....(why can't we just leave well enough alone?) I may need to take another stab at the onion. Thoughts????
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Clementine and friends, 8x10
I attended Qiang Huang's still lifes workshop in Granbury, Tx, last weekend. FYI: It took place at the Iron Horse Inn wh/ is a terrific B&B http://www.theironhorseinn.com, charming, great food and hospitality. I can highly recommend not only Qiang's workshops (always informative and well organized) http://qiang-huang.blogspot.com/, but also this lovely B&B. Go there and tell owner Theresa that I sent you! Meanwhile, yes, we did still life painting...simply being still is very challenging for me, and painting small is also very challenging for me...nevertheless, Quiang's work is always exciting, so there must be something to the pursuit of still life, and I will work on it. Of the three paintings done that weekend, this is my favorite. I know the lemon looks large, and it was a large lemon...the 'orange' is a clementine' orange, so they are small by nature, and of course, it was everything I could do to paint the cherries before eating them. Peak season, very good!

oil on canvas,
pottery studio,
still life
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Look, but don't touch, 8x10
This is the only painting completed in the last few days. Sadly, a couple of landscape attempts were wipers...they looked lazy, and I could tell I was tired and just pushing paint around. Ok, snap out of it. I liked this better. I do love watching people in museums, architectural attractions, etc. This mother/daughter was enjoying an icon exhibition at an Italian museum. I liked the way the sun was coming in some small, high windows and hitting the mother's hat and tiny spots of the heavily carved frame of the icon. (sold)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Catch of the Day, 9x12
This is a small study of the fish caught with friends in corpus Christi, TX, last year. I like the freshness of the strokes, particularly in the old wood decking, and the contrast of the old wood with the red basket...and the resulting dinner was quite tasty, too! $130 unframed, + s/h. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Boats on Parade, 16x20

I really loved the strong light on these boats, and especially the vantage point of looking down on the scene. The color in my painting is a good bit stronger, higher-key, than the actual scene, but I am not trying to reproduce an exact image, but rather to push the color...I didn't initially intend to do this, but virtually all of my paintings are 'pushed' to a higher saturation level....it is just the way it comes off the brush. This painting is currently exhibited at the MAC (McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX) 15th anniversary show.
Just Desserts, 16 x 20

2nd place jury award: Rally Round Greenville 2009
This interesting man sat at the counter of my favorite diner last week. It is HOT in Texas right now, but there he was, properly attired for the English countryside...well, we can dream. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let's Talk, 24x24
Poolside, last Saturday, I watched this couple for an hour or so. They never spoke, and the only thing moving was their thumbs. I so wanted to ask if they were texting each other or??? I ultimately decided they didn't need my intrusion. The light was strong, and it made interesting shapes and shadows in this summer scene. This is one of my favorite paintings. Framed, custom Larsen Juhl + s/h. To purchase this painting, contact me.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Quiet, please...we're napping, 24 x 20
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
No Sunscreen Applied, 30x40

Several years ago, I walked the upper deck of a ship clad head to toe in what likely appeared to be a burka (it was not exactly warm). Peering over the rails, I observed the pool deck w/quite a few folks determined to get a jump start on the tanning season...and the terrific striped towels made all sorts of interesting visuals. I knew that photo could be a painting, but I put it away. Still, the photo kept my interest, and I recently decided I would just abandon caution and common sense (so brave) and paint these women anyway. All expectations to the contrary, I like this painting, and now I need to get back on a ship and take lots more photos, make lots of sketches, etc, because I think I could develop this thematically on a larger scale...at least that is my excuse for a trip, and I am sticking to it. $900 unframed + s/h. To purchase this painting (so that my niece can take another trip with me, HA!):
These Cows are White, 11x14

Honestly, these cows ARE white....at least when they were sitting in the field. I recently purchased some Sennelier oil pastels, partly because they remind me of crayons, and partly because I liked the story of Picasso and Henri Sennelier collaborating to develop this media...whatever. Painted on gallery panel, no need to frame. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me.
Glazing Secrets,16x20

A few years ago, niece Kelly and I were exploring a small town in Crete, Greece, when we stumbled upon a potter's studio. He was hard at work, and we couldn't share spoken words, but we could share a love of his work. I loved his old workbench with its many jars of glazing compounds, and his well used notebook of 'recipes'. It is my favorite memory of this trip. To purchase this painting:
See the delicate flower beat me into submission, 8x10
I post this to remind myself that the most simple things in nature can absolutely pummel the unprepared artist...I mean, how hard can a 6-petaled yellow flower be? I was attending the workshop w/ Quiang Huang (very talented Austin, TX, based artist and workshop instructor), and Quiang made flowers (and pretty much everything else) look so easy....Ahem. This lone flower represents a monumental struggle (I lost that battle) for me...My sweet mother-in-law, Hazel, loves this because, well, her kitchen is yellow. That works for me, but I am not proud of this flower. I know that the 'simple' flower paintings of Georgia O'Keefe are anything but...Flowers are tough. Local Dallas, TX, artist Donna Page executes the most brilliant and detailed flowers generally on a giant scale (she is a glutton for punishment). If you love flowers, check out her website www.donnapagefineart.com Meanwhile, my flowers are embarrassed. SOLD
Morning Tea with Lemon and Grapes, 6x8
I was fortunate to attend a workshop with Carol Marine, (a favorite Austin, TX based artist), at the Andreeva Gallery in Saldado, TX, earlier this year. It was a riotous group, and we not only had lots of fun, but learned so much from Carol. Painting small is a terrific exercise, and I found it extremely challenging. I generally feel 'squished or confined' by a small canvas, so forcing myself to integrate Carol's lessons and technique was very instructive. I like the simplicity of these small still lifes, and I plan to do more of these. To purchase this painting:
Monday, July 13, 2009
Georgia, 12x12
Istanbul Flower Market, 36x24
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Portrait 1, 11x14

This model had such a strong, interesting face. This is my first real person portrait, and I was completely terrified the entire 3 hours that I had to work on it. I don't know this model's name, but I think we would be friends. SHE was pleased with this work, which was the ultimate compliment. I have attempted several portraits since this one, all with disastrous results. How can this happen?
Saulsalito View, 16x20

Ok, I am gradually getting the hang of this 'posting' stuff. I feel like I have just crawled out of the cave. Nevermind.
This landscape demanded a whole new color palette, which wasn't the intuitively natural thing for me to render, but I am happy with it. Generally speaking, green is not my friend, but the cool grey- greens in this work are still satisfying...now, if I could just remember how I mixed those, ahem. To purchase this painting:
Still Life with Pumpkin, 12x12

I was fortunate to attend a Qiang Huang workshop in Austin, TX last year. This is the painting from the second day of that workshop...Still life is new to me, but I think I would like to explore it more. This painting was accepted to a show at the Bath House Cultural Center, White Rock Lake, Dallas. To purchase this painting:
apple vase,
still life
Friday, July 10, 2009
Route 66
Napping Friends
The animals in this painting are near and dear to me. The cat is 17 yr old 'Sweet Baby Jane', and her canine friend is 'Sweet Georgia Brown Dawg' who was 6 at this time. Jane passed away peacefully last year. When I found her, Georgia Brown was sitting silently beside her. They had an unusual relationship of tolerance and respect.
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